A paper presented to the Project Management Institute's Annual Seminar/Symposium "Tides of Change", Long Beach, California, USA, 1998 (Updated for web presentation, 2002). Presented here as the fourth in a series linking project type through management style to project success.

Introduction | Review 1950-1970  | Review 1980-1990  | Classification
Findings | Summary & Conclusions | Appendix A  | Appendix B

Summary and Conclusions

The purpose of this paper has been to identify different project manager styles and suggest some correlation with different project circumstances. Selected previous work on management style has been summarized to provided a basis for establishing four basic project leader characteristics and skill set groupings. These four styles have been labeled Explorer, Driver, Coordinator and Administrator. The detailed descriptions of these four distinctly different styles can provide a basis for better understanding of what style is appropriate and when.

Failure to match project manager style to project circumstances, particularly in matching to the phases of the project life cycle, can lead to less than satisfactory project results. In extreme cases, it can lead to project failure. Therefore, selection of appropriate project management style is essential to project success. Obviously, select your project manager carefully!

Correlation of project manager style with different types of project will be the subject of a later paper.

© February 10, 2002

Findings of the Research  Findings of the Research

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