First published in 1981, updated for web presentation, Dec. 2000
Stage 1: Information
Provide an information base or "Cost model" Select areas for detailed study
What is it? - What must it do? What does it cost? What is it worth?
Functional analysis Cost-Worth Concept Graphics Cost & Energy Modeling
Stage 2: Speculative
Generate alternatives for meeting requirements
What else will perform the required function?
Creative thinking process (i.e. brainstorming)
Stage 3: Analytical
Evaluation & selection of best cost saving alternatives
What will alternatives cost? Will the alternatives meet the required functions? What proposals have greatest cost savings?
Life cycle costing Weighted constraints evaluation Idea ratings
Stage 4: Proposal
Presentation of best alternatives to the decision maker
How best to present proposals?
Narrative reports Schematic overlays Graphics
Stage 5: Final Report
Define and quantify results
What was implemented?
Life cycle costing