The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
Published here December 2012.

Introduction | Book Structure
What We Liked | Downside | Summary

Book Structure

By way of introduction, this book is dedicated to:

"You who go mum at meetings, get passed up for promotions, and would rather read about the Powers That Be than rub elbows with them. You're the brains behind the operation, the creative virtuoso, and the walking wiki. You want to make more of a difference in your life and the lives of others - but first, they need to know who you are."[6]

The book structure is quite simple:




Your Negative Self-Talk



Your Strengths



Your Game Plan



Your Target Audiences



Your Network



Your Chalk Talk



Your Job Search



Your Opposite

As the author says:

"My intention [in this book] is to offer a place for you to explore and a springboard for you to be heard and seen by the people and organizations you want to impact. I want you to get more credit for your ideas, become more visible wherever you want to be noticed, earn more money if that's your goal, and ultimately make greater contributions to society."

To this end, the author explains for example how to make networking situations more palatable:[7]

  • Choose events where you are likely to feel more comfortable
  • Take stock of why someone would want to talk to you
  • Do something that makes you feel at ease
  • Scope out the most comfortable places in the room [where you can see and be seen]
  • Remember that all eyes are not on you
  • Learn about other people, listen intently, try to help solve their problems
  • Remember to breathe!

Throughout, the book includes a number of tables and charts to be completed by the reader to assist in self-assessment and self-actualizing action plans.

Introduction  Introduction

6. Ibid, p v
7. Ibid, paraphrased from p21
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