The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here March 2021

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary


This pocket-sized book (6"x9") by author Steven Manchel is a handy source of critical information. For anyone in anyway related to the business of project management, it is well worth reading and keeping in mind for future reference. But, you may ask, is this really about how to run a project? Well, no, but it is certainly a part of living a life as a project manager or any project-related responsibility. And that is what this site is really all about.

Projects, by their definition, start, get done and finish. That is, in their simplest form, they represent the work required to convert an opportunity into an asset. But obviously, if you have a part in the project, then by the same token, your work also has a start and a finish. However, while the start of your employment may be the start of your engagement in the project, the conclusion of your part in the project does not necessarily mean the end of your employment — that depends on the terms of your engagement in the first place.

Either way, it is a harrowing time, for anyone working on projects. The job is done, so should I hop on the next ongoing project, wait for that project to get started, or if none, wait to be "laid off", dismissed, or resign to pick up another opportunity elsewhere. In my career, I've tried all options, but I must say, provided you do it right, the last option is the best. In my mind, there is nothing worse than sitting around in an office all day and just hoping that something will turn up, even if you are getting paid!

And so we welcome Steven's book to our bookshelves.

Steven notes that over the course of a typical working career, a person is likely to change job ten times or more, and most of those moves will involve going to the competition.[1] So, not all, but some of the moves may be through going to a different opportunity in a different part of the organization, if you are lucky. It is worth keeping this possibility in mind as a part of your "work relocation" strategy, even if not your employment strategy.

But beware of what Steven says about employment changes:[2]

"All such undertakings bring great legal, litigation and business risks that can result in large damage awards, injunction orders, and general business disruption and turmoil."

This does not necessarily apply to all areas of project management activity, unless you wish to leave in the middle of important work, but it certainly applies today where information technology (IT) is involved.

And what if you do not have any employment agreement, or a non-compete clause? Steven says that:[3]

"The absence of an employment agreement, or a non-competition or non-solicitation or non-recruitment clause, does not mean you are in the clear. On the contrary, in my experience, the most costly litigation has concerned unlawful pre-resignation misconduct."

The answer to this potential risk, according to Steven, is to insert a very important step that he calls "Transitioning" for which he prescribes the "Dos and don'ts". Hence, the purpose of the book is to show how such risks can be minimized. That's Part One of the book.

In Part Two we learn the converse perspective: "How Companies Best Manage the Process of Hiring from the Competition".

About the author

Steven L. Manchel possesses the highest possible attorney rating and has extensive national experience in recruiting matters, broker-dealer litigation, securities litigation, and complex civil litigation. After graduating from Washington University School at Law, he clerked at the United States of Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.[4] He has now had over 30 years of experience in the business.[5] For questions about the book, contact Cathy S. Lewis by email at or visit For legal assistance, visit


1. "I Hereby Resign" by Steven L. Manchel, Introduction, p1.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Back cover.
5. Ibid, p2.
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