The original edition of Russell Archibald's book was published in 1976, well before project management organizations around the world started investing time in developing bodies of knowledge. At the time, there can be no question that this first edition was groundbreaking material culled from years of practical experience and exposure to many major projects. Over the intervening years many authors have pontificated at length, not just describing their experiences but introducing "new" ideas. Notwithstanding, it has been suggested that little really new has been developed and much of the verbiage amounts to a rehashing of already well-known concepts.
Now Russ has published his Third Edition (2003) so we thought that here is an opportunity to compare his latest book with the original first edition to see what is new or changed. This should give us an insight into how project management has evolved over the last quarter century, and also provide us with an opportunity to provide a perspective on Russ's latest thinking.
For convenience we refer to the 1976 version of Managing High-Technology Programs & Projects simply as " '76" and the latest version as " '03".