This paper and commentary were first published in the Imperial Engineer, Issue Fifteen, Autumn 2011. The Imperial Engineer is the periodical magazine published for members of The City & Guilds and The Royal School of Mines Associations at Imperial College, London University, UK. This paper, together with discussion and our comments, is republished here with permission, March 2013. Copyright remains with authors Bill McAuley and Robin Grimes.

Editor's Note | Fukushima - by Bill McAuley and Robin Grimes
The Earthquake and its Immediate Aftermath  | Present Status | Root Causes | Then and Now
Health Scare Exaggerated | We Need Nuclear | 1000 Deaths | Editor's Postscript

Editor's Note

Although the following paper was written over two years ago, the controversy over the future energy supply continues to rage on around the world. The major universal contenders appear to be nuclear power plants on the one hand and gas, oil, and coal burning plants on the other. There are other sources of course, but due to high cost or lack of reliability when needed, these other sources may be considered as relatively minor contributors for the foreseeable future.

True that all have their risks of different kinds, whether to safety, health or damage to the environment. However, the population at large is in no hurry to avoid these risks by giving up their cars and living in the dark. The fact is that with an increasing population demanding an increase in energy to satisfy today's technology driven world, sound sources of energy are essential. Without it, economies will collapse with all the hardships and conflict that this implies. One does not have to look far to see evidence of this around the world.

These issues are not just questions of academic, political, environmental or even engineering interest. They are of serious concern to the project management community at large because large investments are involved with consequent project management work. However, the risk tradeoffs, or public perception of risk, will eventually determine the source of large numbers of positions for project managers and their support consultants. That is, in which part of the energy industry these positions will occur.

The next generation of project managers will certainly be anxious to decide in which direction to focus their careers.


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