The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here November 2017

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Found Most Interesting
The Author's Case for a Five-day Workweek | The Author's Vision Now and Into the Future


In reading through the book, I came across a number of suggestions or descriptions of actions that seemed to me to be impractical. Impractical, that is, outside of the high-tech brainwork required to take advantage of the technological innovations that the author describes. Moreover, I felt that author Stephan Aarstol exuded an enthusiasm and confidence bordering on self-gratification. Was it really necessary to learn about his antics with his friend Mason who died of leukemia at the age of 13,[39] or how he got bitten by a stingray while surfing?[40]

Still, all this does lead us up into how Stephan got into a disruptive approach to running a paddleboard business, and the trials and tribulations to get there. But his real breakthrough came when he landed a spot on the American TV show Shark Tank.[41] Even if he did mess up when it came to his turn, nevertheless he was sufficiently impressive, in pitching his own capabilities as an Internet marketer and entrepreneur, to land an offer. It came from Mark Cuban who offered $150,000 for a 30% stake in his company, plus first right of refusal on any future ventures Stephan might think of.[42] That's how Mark Cuban became the author's partner.

The company Tower Paddle Boards, by the way, is all about management and distribution of beach-type products including the paddleboards. The paddleboards at least, are made to specification in China.[43] We simply don't know if the workers there also enjoy the benefits of a 5-hour day workweek.

R. Max Wideman

The Author's Vision Now and Into the Future  The Author's Vision Now and Into the Future

39. Ibid, p14
40. Ibid, p26
41. Ibid, p29
42. Ibid, p34
43. Ibid, p28
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