The Starting Point
Following the Concept Mapping methodology described earlier, what
are the most inclusive things that we know about project management?
Perhaps the most fundamental is that a project represents a commitment
between the project's management and its client or sponsor.
In a concept mapping exercise, a concept map emerged as shown in
Exhibit 2.
Note that in this exhibit, the various relationships are attached
to the corresponding linking arrows. The upper line of each relationship
description represents the relationship flowing from left to right
or from the top downwards. The lower line describes the relationship
flowing in the opposite direction.
It should also be observed that the flow of all the relationships
shown are enabled by communication, and hence communication
is inherent in the total concept map.
The fundamental topics of Project Management and their relationships
were described as follows:
- Universal Practice. An overriding body of common practices
has been identified as appropriate for most projects.
- Area of Application. The dominant technology involved
in the project has a major influence on how it should be managed.
- Client Environment. This determines how projects are
generated and has a major influence on how they are structured.
- Commitment. A project represents a commitment to scope,
quality, time and cost between the project's management and its
client or sponsor.
- Project Integration. A project is a short-lived arrangement
of people integrated for the purpose.
- Uncertainty. This provides both opportunity for the client
and risks to the project.
- Management Processes. These are the major project contribution
and responsibility.
- Real Time (Life Cycle). Perpetual, Sequential and Situational
aspects play a major role in successful project completion.
- Success. The ultimate objective of project management
is success in all its aspects.
Exhibit 2: Concept Map of Project Management (when viewed as a
knowledge structure)
Note that commitment to scope, quality, time and cost is the dominant
theme of communication across the client/project boundary. It is
worth repeating that of all of the relationship, this commitment
is perhaps the most central to successful project management.
This project management concept map is developed as a PMKS outline
in Appendices A and B. See Appendix A
for Universal Project Management Practice, and Appendix
B for Areas of Project Management Application. These appendices
include several further levels of detail.