This paper is the first of a four-part series in which an attempt has been made to capture the collective wisdom of the leading participants in an extended LinkedIn discussion over the first six months of 2014. The actual original texts have been edited for grammar and spelling to make for easier reading online. The observations quoted are the opinions and property of the contributors as noted.

Published here August 2014.

Editor's Note | PMBOK Definition Woefully Deficient | PMBOK Definition Not Deficient
Project and Product Management Not the Same | PMBOK Fine So Far as it Goes
Useful References | What Wikipedia Has to Say | Success Has Multiple Dimensions | PART 2

Andrea Giovanni Spelta:[9] Useful References

Matthew started this discussion by saying "While I realize this is a recurring topic..." Indeed, practitioners and researchers have been discussing what is the meaning of project success since 1988 (see the following references obtained during a literature review I have made for a research). Today it is a generally accepted statement to say there are many dimensions of project success, and project management success is just one of them. If the PMBOK does not make this point clear yet, then it should be rectified in a new version.

  • WIT, A. D. Measurement of Project Success. International Journal of Project Management, v. 6, n.3, p.77-82, ago. 1988.
  • MUNNS, A. K.; BJEIRNI, B. F. The role of project management in achieving project success. International Journal of Project Management, v. 14, n.2, 1996, p. 81-87.
  • SHENHAR, A.; LEVY, O. Mapping the dimensions of project success. Project Management Journal, v. 28, n. 2, p. 5-13, jun. 1997.
  • BACCARINI, D. The logical framework method for defining project success. Project Management Journal, v. 30, n. 4, Dec. 1999, p. 25-32.
  • COOKE-DAVIES, T. The real success factors on projects. International Journal of Project Management. v. 20, n. 3, p. 185-190, abr. 2002.
  • JUGDEV, K.; MÜLLER, R. A retrospective look at our evolving understanding of project success. Project Management Journal, v. 36, n. 4, p. 19-31, Dec. 2005.

I hope this contributes to this good discussion.

PMBOK Fine So Far as it Goes  PMBOK Fine So Far as it Goes

9. Andrea Giovanni Spelta: IT Management — Projects / PMO and Operations Management
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