Brian Phillips'[8] Introduces a Project Portfolio Perspective
@Max: Thanks for bringing clarity to the discussion.
The UK models we work with bring 4 perspectives to the organizational construct:
- Projects: Doing the Project Right (& reward the project manager accordingly)
- Programs: Doing the Right Projects (alignment of outcomes to strategic intent)
- Portfolio: Consistently Doing the Right Projects & Doing them Right (to ensure the right mix of projects and initiatives to achieve outcomes and benefits of value to the business)
- PMO: Supporting project, program and portfolio levels with common tools and techniques, common language, delivery support, dashboard reporting and decision enabling support.
No one wants to de-value the work of the project manager in terms of "Project Success", but "success" is not viewed in the same light in the organizational context. Hence, Max's reference to the three levels is critical to the discussion.
Project management has moved on from the basics of Time-Cost-Quality-Scope. This remains very important, but for project delivery only not for organizational change success. We are running the discussion from two perspectives.
Project success should ultimately re reviewed in organizational value for money: Did we realize the benefits from the initiative? Are they aligned with strategic intent?
8. Brian Phillips: Portfolio, Program, Project and Benefits Management Consultant