This paper is the second of a four-part series in which an attempt has been made to capture the collective wisdom of the leading participants in an extended LinkedIn discussion over the first six months of 2014. The actual original texts have been edited for grammar and spelling to make for easier reading online. The observations quoted are the opinions and property of the contributors as noted.

Published here September 2014.

PART 1 | Introduction | Stan Krupinski - Andrzej Wardaszka | Richard Stubbs
Brian Phillips | Max Wideman Introduces KPIs and KSIs | David Willcox | David Hatch
Larry Moore - Cliona O'Hanrahan | Mounir Ajam | PART 3

Larry Moore[15] Reinforces Project vs. Product.
Cliona O'Hanrahan[16] Recommends Coffee and Smile

Larry Moore

David: In my opinion, your analogy suffers from a fatal flaw. You said, "However, the Project cannot be considered a success unless the animals breed sufficiently to support the colony in 2 years time." This statement confuses the project itself with the PRODUCT of the project. The animals, delivered as requested, are the PRODUCT of the project. Whether they breed sufficiently or not has NOTHING to do with the project that delivered them. The success or failure of the project never hinges on the subsequent success or failure of the product (presuming that the project's requirements for completion are properly defined).

You yourself said, "Captain Cook and his crew of merry men (never forget the Project team!) can consider themselves successful if they deposit the animals alive on the island in 2 months." Therefore, the project achieved its revised target, and the project was successful. What happens after that is NOT any part of the [i.e. Cook's] project.

Cliona O'Hanrahan

For me there is only one thing that amounts to project success. That is, as a project manager, you are able to roll out the project in line with the agreed requirements. I always try to make it uncomplicated because the business is really dependent on you to roll the product out whatever the environment. That's because this is what the business requires to improve or make the business viable.

I believe my greatest strength as a project manager is:

  • Firstly to ensure all of the requirements are agreed between business and project management and
  • Secondly you setup great relationships across the board to work towards the ultimate goal of rolling out the project.

And I always find that coming to the table with a cup of coffee in hand and a smile always helps. With this approach I have rolled out a lot of projects over the years and helped companies to make their targets and definitely improve their bottom line.

That for me is true success. :)

David Hatch  David Hatch

15. Larry Moore: Project Management Professional
16. Cliona O'Hanrahan: MPM Prince2 and PMBOK Project Manager specializing in project delivery for Telecoms, Banking and Digital enterprises
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