A paper presented to a TUNS/Revay seminar in 1990.
It has been modified only to suit a web presentation format.

Published here September, 2001.

Introduction | Claim Avoidance | Claim Identification | Sources of Dispute
Claim Notification | Reserving Rights | Record Keeping | Typical Set of Records
Focus on the Last Two Groups | Managing the Records | Useful Tips

Claim Notification

Which comes first, the dispute or the claim? Typically, the dispute comes first, principally because the paper work invariably falls behind the progress of the work.

Progress payments are late. Changes cannot be processed without agreement on prices. Sub-contractor prices are difficult to obtain, especially if the real cost is out of all proportion to the work required. Documentation for regulatory approvals have a notorious habit of getting bogged down somewhere. Even progress meeting minutes, wherein everyone agreed to do certain things in a certain sequence, somehow fail to appear until the following meeting, when it is all over!

So what starts out as a minor issue, something that might be resolved by early agreement at the time of the work, gradually grows out of all proportion and becomes the basis for a formal claim. In some cases, a claim is filed by a contractor with little or no forewarning, and this itself gives rise to a dispute.

Either way, a claim should be made only after careful consideration, in a formal and objective manner, on precisely what contractual grounds, how much money is being sought and how that sum is arrived at, and the corresponding time extension to the contract, if appropriate.

That's quite a tall order!

Sources of Dispute  Sources of Dispute

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