This analysis was inspired by Darren Radford, coauthor of Going Beyond The Waterfall, published by J. Ross Publishing © 2014, in Table 1.1 on p6, titled: "Differences between project, program and portfolio management".
Published here December 2014

Introduction | Project Management Generally
Body of Knowledge Domains – Core Project Management Functions | Facilitating Functions
Project Implementation | Conclusions


When the different levels described are examined in the light of the various domains of project management, the responsibilities at each level become much clearer and should prove helpful. Without carefully documented clarification and structure, there is every possibility that overlap and competition for control between the respective levels of management will emerge. Hence, it is important to agree the division of responsibilities and corresponding boundaries between the parties.

It is hoped that these tables will help to avoid these sorts of conflict and thus avoid wastage from this kind of management effort. Note that the costs of Portfolio and Program Management are corporate overheads and not project costs.

It is also worth noting that we first talked about "Governance in the Project Management World" back in January, 2013. Since then, however, we have somewhat modified our view as shown in this current work.

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Project Implementation  Project Implementation

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