Published here July 2017

Introduction | The Challenge
Justification for Different Groupings: Project Management Hierarchy | Industry/Product Sectors
Internet Research | Taming the Long List of Industry Sectors
Significant Difference in Types of Output | Putting "Work" and "Product" Together
Comments Regarding Appendix A | Summary of Our Deliberations

Putting "Work" and "Product" Together

As a side note, in many of the more recent definitions added to our Glossary, the term "Technical" refers to the work of creating the project's product. This is in contrast to referring to the numeric type topics of project management such as managing cost, or developing a network schedule. Moreover, this technical (product development) work is typically conducted in "Stages", while the management of the Project as a whole is typically separated into "Phases".

For example, in PRINCE2 there are two types of time divisions. A project is divided into "phases" to define management decision points — PRINCE2 calls these "Management Phases". The second type is the "Technical Stages" that are groupings of selected technical techniques used in the development of the product.

These two classes of time intervals do not necessarily overlap but rather, in normal planning, the Phases of Project Management encompass the Stages of Technical Product Development.

Now, if we put Work and Product together as a 2x2 matrix we arrive at a basic Project Classification as shown in Figure 2:[8]

Type of Work in the Project


3. Example: Development of an all-new electric car

4. Example: Development of a new theory


1. Example: Detailing and construction of a building

2. Example: Updating a procedures manual






Type of Product from the Project

Figure 2: Basic 2x2 Project Classification based on primary products

To arrive at practical terms and their respective definitions for the four types shown in the chart, we researched the listings of industry sectors presented earlier. They are listed as columns A through H as shown in Appendix A, Figures A1 and A2: Tables of Industry Sectors According to Different Sources".

Significant Difference in Types of Output  Significant Difference in Types of Output

8. Ibid
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