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IAC1001 discusses four fundamentally different "Areas of Project Management Application" (APMA), i.e. different types of project each requiring different approaches to their management.

IAC1002 describes the structure of the "Issacon Knowledge" in terms of level in a knowledge hierarchy.


1001 (General) | 1030 (PM Guidelines) | 1060 (WBS, Planning)
1100 (Risk) | 1125 (Scope) | 1150 (PM Models) | 1175 (Quality)
1200 (PM Forms) | 1275 (Job Descriptions) | 1300 (Time) | 1325 (Cost) | 1350 (People)
1400 (Contract/Procurement) | 1430 (Info/Coms)

Issacons© (Issues and Considerations):
Work Breakdown Structures, Project Planning and Public Relations

Perhaps the most important technique in project management is the work breakdown structure (WBS). it is a very flexible tool, but unfortunately few people agree on how to use it best. While some degree of consistency is valuable from a corporate stand point, especially where many projects are involved and need to be compared, nevertheless it should be constructed to suit the particular project. Successful construction of a WBS is an art in itself. In this section we have attempted to answer some of the many issues involved.

At the end of this section we also provide some tips on project public relations, an essential dimension of project control where large projects are concerned.

The following Issacons describe how to plan and control your project, including how to develop two different levels of WBS

1060. Project Control
How do I control my project, and is it really possible?
1060a. Project Management Road Map
For a new project, can you describe a simple road map to follow?
1061. Scope-Pak Planning
Scope-Pak Planning? What is that and what will I achieve?
1062. WBS Issue #1 (Scope-Pak 1)
In Issacon #1060 you mentioned "Work Breakdown Structure". What is that?
1062a. The Case for a WBS
My project is only small. How can I justify creating a WBS? How will it help?

1063. WBS Issue #2 - Part A
(Scope-Pak 2)
Can you describe simple steps to a Work Breakdown Structure?
1064. WBS Issue #2 - Part B (Scope-Pak 3)
At the end of Issacon 1063 we finished the "To Do" list. What else to do?
1065. Project Planning - Part A (Scope-Pak 4)
At page 7 of Issacon #1064 (WBS workshop) you spoke of "the rest of the project plan". What else do I need?
1066. Project Planning - Part B (Scope-Pak 5)
At the end of Issacon #1065 we completed the Logic Diagram. What else do I need?
1067. WBS Issue #3
On page 11 of Issacon #1062 you mentioned "Product Breakdown Structure". Can you explain?

1068. WBS Issue #4 - Part A
Can you provide a set of steps to a high-level WBS, or "Product Breakdown Structure"?
1069. WBS Issue #4 - Part B
Can you provide a set of steps to a high-level WBS, or "Product Breakdown Structure"?
1070. WBS Issue #5
How do we know when we have created a "good" product/work breakdown structure?
1071. WBS Issue #6
Can you show me a graphical example of good breakdown structure?
1071a. Custom Woodworking Co. WBS
What about "Woody's" WBS What would that look like?

1072. WBS Issue #7
What are the benefits of a Work Breakdown Structure?
1073. WBS Issue #8
You keep talking about Work Packages. What is a Work Package and what is the difference from a Contract Package?
1074. WBS Issue #9
What is the purpose of a Work Package, and are there different kinds?
1075. WBS Issue #10
You said that a WBS "evolves" through the project life cycle. You seem to suggest that Work Packages also evolve. Is that true?
1076. WBS Issue #11
We're having a lot of arguments over forming WBS work packages. Can you suggest some rules?

1077. WBS Issue #12
On page 7 of Issacon #1068 you mentioned "The Rolling Wave Approach". What is that?
1078. Strategic Planning
What is a project strategic plan and why is one needed?
1078a. Project & Technology Strategies
What general strategies do you recommend for project and technology management?
1079. Preparing to Plan
What do I need to know to prepare a project plan?
1079a. Steps in Project Planning
What steps do I need to take to prepare a project plan?

1080. Facility Owner's Check List
As a facility owner's project sponsor, what should I include on my consultant services planning check list?
1080a. Capital Projects Check List - Pt A
Can you suggest a comprehensive checklist of activities for the concept phase of a capital project?
1080b. Capital Projects Check List - Pt B
Can you suggest a comprehensive checklist of activities for the development/definition phase of a capital project?
1080c. Capital Projects Check List - Pt C1
Can you suggest a comprehensive checklist of activities for the implementation phase of a capital project?
1080d. Capital Projects Check List - Pt C2
Can you suggest a comprehensive checklist of activities for the implementation phase of a capital project?

1080e. Capital Projects Check List - Pt D
Can you suggest a comprehensive checklist of activities for the commissioning phase of a capital project?
1881. Project Front-end Management
Why should we focus on "Project Front-end Management"?
1082. Project Back-end Management
What the heck is "Project Back-end Management"?
1083. Implementation Plan
I must prepare a construction Implementation Plan. What should I include?
1084. Deliverables Acceptance Plan
I must prepare a project deliverables Acceptance Plan. What should it include?

Project Public Relations

1092. Project Public Relations & Consultation
What is project public relations and what can it do for my project?
1092a. Project Public Relations for Large Projects
What can project public relations do for my large project?
1093. Project Public Relations Philosophy, Audiences, Issues
What philosophy should we adopt for our project public relations program (PPRP), for whom and why?
1094. Project Public Relations Program Implementation
What are a project public relations program (PPRP) implementation strategies and objectives?

1095. Project Public Relations Program Work Breakdown Structure - Part A
Can you give me detailed tasks for the PPRP objectives listed in Issacon #1094?
1096. Project Public Relations Program Work Breakdown Structure - Part B
Can you give me detailed tasks for the PPRP objectives listed in Issacon #1094?
1097. Project Public Relations Program Work Breakdown Structure - Part C
Can you give me detailed tasks for the PPRP objectives listed in Issacon #1094
1098. Word Hierarchies
We have trouble organizing some of our definitions. Do you have any suggestions?

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