This Guest paper was submitted for publication and is copyright to Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez © 2019.
The paper has been extracted from Chapter 3 of Antonio's 2019 book: The Project Revolution.
Published here June 2019 |
Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez is the world's leading champion of project management and strategy implementation. He is the creator of concepts such as the Hierarchy of Purpose, featured by the Harvard Business Review. Such concepts argue that projects are the lingua franca of the business and personal worlds, from the C-suite right through to an individual managing their career and relationships. A seasoned practitioner, Antonio has held senior executive roles at major corporations and is currently director of GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines' Global Project Management Office. He is a former chairman of the Project Management Institute and co-founder of its Brightline Initiative. He may be reached at and his website is at |
Editor's NoteAs Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez observes on his website: "My purpose is to help corporations, governments, and organizations to excel in their transformation projects and achieve more profound impact on our society. For years, my personal quest has been for every individual, student leader, to learn the basics of leading projects successfully."