This Guest paper was submitted for publication and is Copyright B.M. Jackson (2005).
Published here September 2005.

Abstract | Introduction | Why Email Won't Work
Why Collaborative Technologies Haven't Worked | Technology Requirements
The New Team Heart Beat | Meeting Process Redesign | Creative Work Redesign and Prototyping
Changes, New Behaviors | Training | The Virtual Organization | Conclusion


We have seen that the concept of digital group memory requires new behaviors on the part of team members. This in turn requires training in virtual teamwork so team-training courses should include modules developed to address these issues. Some examples of issues to tackle are:

  • Chartering - why is this team being created? What are its goals? What are its processes for achieving them?
  • How does the technology support the team's work?
  • What is the "Code of Conduct" - expectations of each other relative to: responding to questions in the digital group memory; staying abreast of each other's work
  • How to develop agendas, capture action items
  • Developing ideas by brainstorming
  • Evaluating ideas (rate, rank)
  • Building on ideas
  • Follow up action planning and updating

Additionally, courses that teach team leader training need to be modified to add how to do coaching and counseling, with performance reviews based upon the team members' participation (quantitative and qualitative) in the digital group memory. Just as a team leader should be concerned if team members are not "showing up" at a physical place for work, the leader should address issues of team members not being present in the team's digital group memory. This may be a technological problem or it may be an indication of an organizational problem.

Changes, New Behaviors  Changes, New Behaviors

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