This Guest paper is copyright to Rod Robertson.
Published here April 2021.

Editor's Comment | Introduction | So What Should Employers Do About This Dilemma?
Avoid Legal Liability; Document Everything | Addressing Anti-Vaccination Beliefs

Rod Robertson is an international entrepreneur and author of Winning at Entrepreneurship: Insider's Tips on Buying, Building, and Selling Your Own Business. He co-authored another recent book, The Human Vector, on lean management and the scientific approach to hiring, firing, and running a more financially-efficient company. Robertson has conducted business in over 15 countries — focusing on developing small-to-medium-sized businesses and taking them to market worldwide. He is the owner of Briggs Capital (, a boutique international investment bank.

Editor's comment

The following article is not strictly about project management, as you might expect on this site. However, it can be a very typical concern of many project managers. In the following article, author Rod Robertson offers timely advice as we collectively try to struggle out of the Covid-19 virus pandemic.


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