Adapted from a paper originally presented to the PMSA Conference, May 2006, Midrand, South Africa.
It is copyright to H. Friedlander© 2006.
Published here January 2007.

Introduction | Case #1 - Diversification | In the Literature
Project Manager Selection | The Author's View | Micromanaging | Case #2 - Due Diligence
Case #3 - Office Move | Case #4 - National Grid | Conclusion | Postscript


This paper contains considerable anecdotal evidence that, although useful, does not necessarily support a conclusion one way or the other. I have tried to use case studies from David Cleland's Project Management Casebook[23] but the difficulty I encountered was in clearly identifying the role of the project manager and hence drawing appropriate conclusions. I therefore chose anecdotal cases in which the role of the project manager was clearly known to me (Cases #1, 2 & 3) or else easily identified (Case #4). Nevertheless, the weaknesses of the cases are recognized

Conclusion  Conclusion

23. Cleland, D, Project Management Casebook, Project Management Institute,1998
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