This Guest paper was submitted for publication 4/5/16. It is part of Mosaic's Project Knowledge Index
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This paper is copyright to Patrick Weaver © 2016 and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Published here July 2016

PART 1 | Introduction to Part 2 | The Four Layers of PDC
 Developing Strategic Project Management Maturity | Summary

The Four Layers of PDC

Figure 3 from previous page
Figure 3: The PDC Taxonomy and Architecture (from previous page)

The four layers of the PDC described above are:

  1. Governance (Dark green) — the organization's directors/leaders have the ultimate and exclusive responsibility to set the right strategy, define an acceptable risk appetite, set the organization's objectives and frame an open and effective culture. Then to ask the right questions and require the right answers from their executive.
  2. Executive management (Purple) is responsible for creating the capability and culture of accountability needed to deliver projects successfully and realize the intended benefits. A key element in this is developing a rigorous portfolio management capability to select the best projects to fulfill the organization's strategy, based on consideration of each project's feasibility and viability, within the organizational constraints of capability and capacity.
  3. Organizational support processes (Orange) including opportunity identification and assessment, plus developing and enhancing the organization's project delivery capability including: organizational enablers, support systems, oversight systems,[32] change management systems and value realization.
  4. Traditional project & program management (Blue) are the processes defined in a range of standards needed to deliver the defined outputs and outcomes. PDC focuses on developing a framework that provides effective support, leadership and oversight to these functions.

Program Management will fulfill some of the organizational support functions where several projects are being managed in an integrated way to maximize benefits. However, when programs are used by the organization, the organization's overarching support processes need to be capable of effectively supporting and overseeing the work of the programs as well as other independent projects.

Creating and enhancing an effective PDC requires all three management levels to understand their respective roles in supporting the organization's projects and programs so that the projects and programs can contribute the maximum value to the organization.[33]

Introduction to Part 2  Introduction to Part 2

32. For more on project surveillance see:
33. The design of an effective PDC system is the role of governance. To understand the difference between governance systems and management systems see
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