This Guest paper was submitted for publication 4/5/16
and is copyright to Patrick Weaver © 2016.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Published here June 2016

Introduction | The Overall Project Delivery Capability Framework 
Organisational Governance | Organizational Capability to Manage Portfolios Programs and Projects
Organizational Systems to Manage Programs and Projects | Project and Program Management
Technical Practices that Support Project & Program Management | Summary | PART 2

Organizational Governance

Organizational Governance refers to those aspects of project governance, support and control that are the responsibility of the most senior executives within an organization, typically a "Board of Directors" or similar. For example:


Governance generally includes organizational policies, practices and systems responsible for ensuring the organization's resources are utilized effectively, and the work of the organization is aligned with its strategy and objectives. Also, the interests of the organization, its internal and external stakeholders and society as a whole are aligned as closely as is possible. This is the primary function of the governing board of the organization, i.e., in commercial organizations the Board of Directors. In others, the "governing council" is in whatever form that body is constituted. The governing process frames the organizations culture, capabilities and strategy.[4]

P3 Governance

P3 Governance is the sub-set of organizational governance focused on obtaining the best value from the projects and programs undertaken by the organization in support of its strategic objectives by balancing the risk of doing each project or program with the expected "rewards". It encompasses project, program and portfolio governance and is focused on overseeing the systems that ensure the right projects and programs are selected by the organization to support its strategic vision, and that the selected "few" are accomplished as efficiently as possible to maximize the value created for the organization as a whole.

Figure 2: The Elements of Project Governance
Figure 2: The Elements of Project Governance

There are three primary elements in project governance:

  1. Ensuring an effective strategic plan is developed, and then the right projects and programs are selected to "do" for the right reasons — Portfolio Management
  2. Ensuring the organizational capability to support the efficient delivery of the projects and programs is in place supported by a culture of accountability and a focus on delivering value (benefits realized).
  3. Reviewing and over sighting the on-going work of the projects and programs and ensuring the information is used effectively to support the overall governance of the organization.
The Overall Project Delivery Capability Framework  The Overall Project Delivery Capability Framework

3. Mosaic has a library of papers and reports focused on governance that are available for downloading from:
4. For more on Corporate Governance see:
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