Introduction | Frequency of Build | Implementing Weekly Build
Broken Builds | Get the Customer to Review the Product Early
Conclusion | Footnote: Whence the Term "Smoke Test"?

Frequency of Build

The principle behind Weekly Build and Smoke Test (WBST) is to build the components and perform a "Smoke Test" every week. This is designed to reduce integration issues later. It could also be performed daily if several components are developed every day.[1]

We did try implementing this on a daily basis. However, we found that few components were getting developed on a daily basis and consequently ended up building the same system two days in a row. So, we decided to adopt a weekly frequency.

First we organized WBST training sessions. The team felt that it was a good concept and that it would definitely help them. However, they felt that doing it manually would be too time consuming and suggested that a WBST tool should be developed.

Introduction  Introduction

1. Daily build -- Rapid development and control, Swedish Engineering Industries 1999
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