This Guest paper was originally published in the January, 2016 PM World Journal.
With some updating of the text, it is reproduced here with the permission of the author.
Copyright Stacy Goff, © 2016.
Published here May 2016

Editor's Note | Introduction by Stacy Goff | Talent from Then to Now 
Talent Management Area 1: Talent Acquisition | Desperately Seeking Project Talent
The Talent Areas of Greatest Importance | Summarizing Talent Acquisition | PART 2

Summarizing Talent Acquisition

To acquire Talent, you must clearly understand what you are seeking. Acquiring Project Talent is much more challenging than other types of talent, because of the unique nature of projects. You seek more than a checkbox that says "project manager," and a bunch of buzzwords. Instead, you are seeking a range of roles, perhaps from inside your organization, fresh from Universities, or from your competitors. You are seeking dozens and dozens of competences. The right role definitions, together with clear understanding of the specific competences you seek will help you find new talent — and can also help you to recognize the talent you already have.

Next month I will talk about developing talent.

***  The Talent Areas of Greatest Importance

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