An updated version of a paper first published in ProjectTimes, March 19, 2008 © Robert McMurray & Steve Chamberlin.
Published here October 2008.

Introduction | Making Value-Based Decisions | Which Projects Should I Choose? 
And Why Hasn't My Project Started! | Modeling Resource Loads | Post-Project Value Assessments
Putting It All Together | About The Authors and 3 Olive Solutions

Putting It All Together

Making value-based decisions seems logical. The question is why more organizations are not applying these techniques in their portfolio and project management processes. The answer could lie in the fact that most portfolio and project management methodologies and tools still advocate a bottoms-up approach that mires organizations in details. In reality, the true value is in the business benefits of the portfolio as a whole, not the completion of a single project on-time and in-budget.

Applying value-based decision making to portfolio management will produce greater financial benefits for an organization. In addition, other benefits of making value-based decisions should not be overlooked. It will also produce buy-in and motivation for projects and activities from the entire organization.

Post-Project Value Assessments  Post-Project Value Assessments

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