This paper is an update of a paper
prepared for the June 2002 IPMA Conference in Berlin. It contains content from
various training materials developed for the World Bank. The current paper is
copyright to Robert Youker, © 2007.
Published here January 2008.
Modules 10-12
Module 10: Organizing Procurement
- Hire (if not already assigned) and supervise procurement staff.
- Review national procurement requirements and those of financing institution(s).
- Establish procurement strategy in collaboration with procurement staff.
- Review deliverables and identify items for procurement.
- Decide on methods of procurement (for example, local, international, and so forth).
- Identify donor requirements and incorporate in the plan.
- Select appropriate type of contracts.
- Decide how the total procurement will be divided into separate contracts.
- Prepare a schedule for procurement.
- Supervise preparation of necessary documents (announcements, letters, invitation to bid, and so forth.).
- Supervise planning and execution of bidding and selection process.
- Supervise process for evaluating bids.
- Supervise preparation and negotiation of contracts.
- Supervise creation of procedures for management of contracts and disbursement of funds.
Module 11: Executing and Controlling the Work
- Start up management information systems (for time, performance, cost, and scope control and reporting).
- Implement processes for data collection, processing, and reporting.
- Initiate procurement of works, services, and goods/equipment.
- Monitor project parameters (through reports) and compare progress versus plan.
- Monitor procurement and resolve procurement issues.
- Replan and reschedule as required.
- Secure approval from management for required changes in resource use or schedule.
- Distribute revised plans.
- Maintain team building and communication activities.
Module 12: Terminating the Project
- Close out project accounts, including work orders and work packages.
- Close out contracts and settle any outstanding disputes.
- Arrange for transfer of personnel to other assignments.
- Prepare as-built drawings, or the equivalent, and other project documentation.
- Transfer files and documentation archives.
- Obtain required government approvals and certification.
- Close physical facilities.
- Review punch list to ensure that outstanding items are finished.
- Plan for maintenance.
- Plan for an ex post evaluation of the project and design of monitoring system for operations, if required by the lender or owner.
- Plan inspection and acceptance procedures.
- Inspect and accept deliverables.
- Coordinate transition to operations.
- Train operations team.
- Conduct an end-of-project audit.