This Guest paper was submitted for publication May 2021.
It is copyright to Angela Civitella © 2022.
Published here September  2022.

Introduction | Opportunities, Micro-worrying, and Satisfaction 
Connections, Overnight Success, and Neglect | Failure, Spread, and Teamwork

Failure, Spread, and Teamwork

7. Failure doesn't last

Mistakes happen. In fact, they have a big purpose. I would even go as far as saying mistakes can be better than winning at times. Mistakes bring you to refine your thinking, your plans, and how you execute and deliver your business model. They are meant to give you the necessary pause in your journey to "reset." So, it's not about failing; it's about learning. When you realize this, it takes away the fear and allows you to engage with less anxiety, less toxicity in your system, and have a better mindset about all the moving pieces in your life.

8. Spread out your interests

Has anyone every called you a generalist, as if it were a bad thing? It's actually a great quality when it comes to leadership. Generalists have a keen mind about a lot of things and are motivated to engage as long as something piques their interest. They are happy to learn something new, always thinking about a more robust arsenal of skills that they can claim as their own. These wonders of perpetual knowledge are always curious about everything and everyone. They never find anything boring. They are always able to get a nugget or two out of something. It might not happen right away, but eventually they will call on that knowledge in a big way and everyone will look at them and think: how in the world do they know that?

9. Teamwork

I love this saying. Being a good team member is one of the top things hiring managers and recruiters look for in a job candidate. You can be a superstar with awesome capabilities. If you cannot get along with your teammates and do not identify with the work culture in your organization, you might as well bow out and go home because you are of no use. Companies are looking for people who fit in harmoniously, because conflict is usually a drain on employee productivity, morale, and all the other factors that companies rely on to keep their business moving.

Connections, Overnight Success, and Neglect  Connections, Overnight Success, and Neglect

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