Reproduced with permission from The Revay Report Volume 28 Number 1 published by Revay & Associates Ltd © August 2009. Published here December, 2009.

Editor's Note | Introduction | Cash Flow | Change Orders in the Face of Recession
The Shift Away from Cost Reimbursable Contracts | Constructability Reviews
Performance Motivation | PART 2

Editor's Note:

Revay and Associates Limited provide project management and construction claims services. The following material contains contributions from all five Revay offices in Canada and is intended to provide actions, which - if taken - they believe will improve the situation of construction industry readers immediately and in the long term. Max Wideman was formerly associated with Revay working on major claims litigation in Canada and in the US and was impressed by the extent of their expertise and experience. He has special permission to republish this paper here.

This paper, presented in two parts, will deal with some of today's key issues in managing construction projects as follows:

    In Part 1:

    In Part 2:


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