This Guest paper was submitted for publication and is copyright to E. Riis & P. Eskerod, © 2009
published February 2010

Introduction | Method | Case Description and Findings
Perceived Value | Discussion | Sustaining Value

Perceived Value

This section deals with determination of perceived value of using the PM model in the case company. The dataset was analyzed using three forces underlying the trend of increased standardization within project management: efficiency, legitimacy, power & control, as identified by Eskerod & Östergren[11] and a supplementary force called stakeholder satisfaction. All four forces were relevant in the case company. However, almost 40 percent of the statements in the interviews concerning the values created by the use of the PM model were related to efficiency aspects.

The informants reported unanimously that due to the common PM approach it has become very easy for the IT department to carry out projects and help establish a new business within the corporation. As the model has proven its worth, it is no longer necessary to sell it every time a new project is started in one of the company's business units. The business units realize that the model is useful because it saves a lot of time and top management finds the common frame of reference very helpful because progress can be easily monitored.

Looking more closely at the benefits as perceived by the project managers, they found that the greatest value of the model and its underlying common training concerned the clarification phase. The model ensures that clarification is carried out in such a way that customer expectations and the expectations of the project team are aligned at the earliest possible stage. The structured way of discussing ideas and scope is perceived to be especially helpful. The result of a good clarification phase is that project aims are achieved within time and budget, and that the stakeholders are satisfied with the deliverables.

A summary of value statements about implementation of a common PM model taken from observations and interviews in the company is presented in Figure 3.

Value Statements

Value Types

Projects are delivered on time and within budget


Reducing number of repeated problems


Better alignment of expectations with customers

Efficiency + Stakeholder Satisfaction

The team members know their tasks and responsibilities in good time

Efficiency + Stakeholder Satisfaction

PM model creates high credibility


Customer experiences professionalism


Better foundation for achieving what the company wants

Power & Control

Greater transparency in the projects

Power & Control

PM ensures meeting clients expectations

Stakeholder Satisfaction

Figure 3: Case company value statements
Case Description and Findings  Case Description and Findings

11. Eskerod, P. & Östergren, K. (2000). Why Do Companies Standardize Project Work?, Project Management, 6 (2), 34-39.
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