Howard Tiersky is the author along with Heidi Wisbach of Impactful Online Meetings: How to Run Polished Virtual Working Sessions* that are Engaging and Effective using Zoom, Webex, GoToMeeting, Skype, or Google Hangouts. He is a successful entrepreneur who has been named by IDG as one of the "10 Digital Transformation Influencers to Follow Today" and by Enterprise Management 360 as one of the Top 10 Digital Transformation Influencers "That Will Change Your World."
* See: www.impactfulonlinemeetings.com
The sudden outbreak of a worldwide coronavirus disease covid‑19 has required all people to maintain "social distancing" of at least six feet (two meters), in order to fight the spread of the infection. In turn this has resulted in a serious loss of employment and downturn in activities. However, in the project management field, a real effort has been made to conduct communications on line for suitable types of project.
At the best of times, satisfactory team meetings need careful orchestrating and special skills that are not always taught as a part of project management. Bringing people together on line through video conferencing requires even further communication skills. This is because even though people may see each other on screen, the major part of in-person communicating, which is through body language, is not actually exchanged or even effectively transmitted.
Nevertheless, significant attempts are being made to work from home and conduct meetings productively. And this too is an extra challenge through the need for making "home office space", and at the same time generally running a household, with minimum outdoor excursions, ordering on-line, and so on. Since this situation is likely to last for an extended number of months, it is reasonable to expect that we shall not only get better at it, get used to it, and may even decide to adopt this practice well into the future.
To this end, we have assembled three Howard Tiersky articles that provide valuable advice to project team leaders and participants on video-conferencing from home, or anywhere else for that matter.