This final version of this guest paper was submitted on March 11, 2023. It is copyright to Robin Hornby.
Published here April 2023.

Introduction | Secondary Evolution | My Earlier Analyses 
On Closer Examination | External Development | Conclusion


Responsible collaboration represents a significant piece of a mature and influential project management implementation that I call the Delivery Organization. It is an organization-centric concept of PM that acknowledges what has always been obvious — corporate projects operate in a corporate environment that can be either favorable or unfavorable.

In my latest book, A Concise Guide to Project Collaboration: Building a Delivery Organization, I lay out exactly what must be done to ensure this favorable environment, to integrate with the business, and to ensure consistent delivery. It must inevitably result in a more productive and gratified project manager, and a satisfied project owner.

Foot Note

Robin's book, A Concise Guide to Project Collaboration: Building a Delivery Organization, published by Routledge in their Focus series, is out now. More details can be found on the Routledge website, and on Robin's legacy site at

External Development  External Development

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