Lev Virine has more than 20 years of experience as a structural
engineer, software developer, and project manager. In the past 10 he has been
involved in a number of major projects performed by Fortune 500 companies
and government agencies to establish effective decision analysis and risk management
processes as well as to conduct risk analyses of complex projects. Lev writes
and speaks around the world on project decision analysis, including the psychology
of judgment and decision-making, modeling of business processes, and risk management.
He received his doctoral degree in engineering and computer science from Moscow
State University. He can be reached at lvirine@projectdecisions.org.
Michael Trumper has worked in the fields of technical communications, marketing, and software development for the past 16 years. Over the past eight years, he has been involved in projects involving economic valuation and risk and project life cycle modeling. Michael has authored several papers and articles on project risk management. He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Victoria and is currently a master's candidate in the University of Liverpool's laureate program. He can be reached at mtrumper@proejctdecvisions.org.
For further information, visit http://www.projectdecisions.org.
Editor's Note
To be effective as a project manager, you must know how to make rational choices in project management, what processes can help you improve these choices, and what tools are available to guide you through the decision-making process. Lev Verine and Michael Trumper have tackled these topics in their book Project Decisions: The Art and Science. This valuable text presents the basics of cognitive psychology and quantitative analysis to help project managers make better decisions. It is published by Management Concepts, Inc.
This book is an entertaining and easy-to-read guide to a structured project decision analysis process. From it you can learn how to:
- Understand psychological pitfalls related to project management
- Establish a creative business environment in your organization
- Identify project risks and uncertainties
- Develop estimates of project time and cost based on an understanding of human psychology
- Perform basic quantitative and qualitative risk and decision analysis
- Use event chain methodology in managing your projects
- Communicate the results of decision analysis to decision-makers
- Review project decisions and perform adaptive project management
- Establish a project decision analysis process in your organization
Further, examples that portray different projects, real-life stories, and popular culture will help readers acquire the essential knowledge and skills required for effective project decision-making. The book is introduced by a quiz that the authors have given us permission to reproduce. It is set out in the following pages.
We also provide the answers, but to understand the answers, you will have to buy the book and read the recommended chapters. In fact, throughout their book the authors discuss the problems from the test along with many other issues.