Published here August 2003. 

Introduction | The Success Principle | The Commitment Principle 
The Tetrad-Tradeoff Principle | The Strategy Principle | The Management Principle
The Single-Point Responsibility Principle | The Cultural Environment Principle | Conclusion


Building a supportive environment is a key attribute and one of the significant similarities between great teams in hockey and in project management. Success in both worlds starts with an organizational focus on, and understanding of, what is meant by success. That understanding leads to a commitment to reach success followed by goal adjustment as the game, or the project, progresses.

To assist in accomplishing objectives, outstanding organizations build plans first then follow through by carrying out those plans. They have policies and procedures prepared at the onset of initiatives so that the teams have a baseline from which to begin managing and measuring the progress of their work. And finally, a management hierarchy is in place that enables effective communication, direction and decision-making between the owners and the team.

No matter which world you live in, instilling these fundamentals into the people in your organization will help them and your business to achieve success.

The Cultural Environment Principle  The Cultural Environment Principle

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