Adapted from a paper produced for asapm's PM Cert program, © 2003 by Dr. Lewis Ireland, Clarksville, TN.
Published here June 2007.

Introduction | The Beneficiaries of Project Management Certification
Organizations and Customers | Professional Societies and the Project Management Community
The Public | The Certifying Organization
Value of Knowledge-Based versus Competence-Based Certification | Summary

Organizations and Customers


What about organizations that need independent assessments of the staff they currently employ or plan to hire? In this case, there are at least six ways that certification can provide value, namely, the organization should be able to:

  • Use certification as a criterion for hiring, promotion, and even downsizing
  • Increase its confidence that employees have a consistent understanding of their disciplines and are operating from a common knowledge base
  • Establish certification as part of a career-development roadmap for employees
  • Set standards by which project management performance can be measured
  • Increase customer confidence by showing that employees meet certification requirements and are consistent in their practices
  • Use certification to differentiate itself from competitors in sales and corporate-image marketing


Customers are the third group of beneficiaries. With certified professionals serving their needs, customers should have greater confidence in the performance of the products, or services that they buy. Why? Because work performed by certified professionals means that:

  • The performing individual has the capability of producing goods and services based on professional standards
  • The services or products have been created and delivered in a consistent manner that meets those professional standards
  • The qualifications of consultants or others can be confirmed through official records and references
The Beneficiaries of Project Management Certification  The Beneficiaries of Project Management Certification

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