Russell D. Archibald
PMP, PMI Fellow

PMI-Texas Connection 2001
Sept. 14-15, 2001 Houston, Texas.
Published here March 2002.

Abstract | Challenges | Full Power | Business Strategies | Objectives
Portfolio Management | Process | Principles | Key Roles | Planning & Control
Team Working | Improvement | Integration | Internet | Conclusion

Using the Internet In Response to Its Challenges

"Internet Speed" refers to the recent drastic reductions in both a) the time required to launch a new product or service, and b) the time available to competitively respond to market opportunities. The Internet both causes this situation and enables the competitive response. But using the Internet to help deliver completed projects in shorter times requires a concerted effort, starting with the CEO.

There are a number of powerful, commercially available, Web-enabled project management software systems using client servers and desktop/notebook/handheld computers that bring Internet speed to the project planning and control arena. These systems:

CEO Demands:
31. That a Web-enabled project management system be selected and implemented„as a project„at the most effective (project portfolio or total enterprise) level.
  • Enable improved collaboration and communication for project teams no matter where the members are located geographically, with everyone working from the same currently updated information.
  • Provide risk and issue tracking and escalation processes.
  • Empower staff members through access to central information repositories, with suitable controls on who can change the information.
  • Automate much if not most of the project management process and related documentation and record keeping.
  • Enable key resource assignment within and between projects, programs, and project portfolios, and facilitate corporate resource planning and acquisition.
  • Enable tracking and evaluation of changes in project scope, schedule, cost and risk.
  • Allow integration of project management processes with all other business systems.
  • Capture the "lessons learned" on every project for incorporation into the project management process and related data repositories.

The selection and implementation of such systems is in itself a complex management project that requires application of the principles and practices discussed in this paper.

The Internet and World Wide Web provide low cost, rapid access to many resources that can be used to improve an organization's project management capabilities, and to keep them abreast of the competition.

Integrating Project Management Into the Organization  Integrating Project Management

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