This Guest paper was submitted for publication June 2009. It is copyright to Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo and John Suermondt © 2009 Under Creative Commons License, by <CCL> see

Introduction | Objective of the Study 
The Study Instrument and its Application | Study Observations | Conclusion


Finally, our survey instrument shows the overall score as shown in Figure 4. This includes all of the positive or negative impacts from the Essential Traits, the negative impacts from the Desirable Traits and Traits to Avoid, to provide an Overall Suitability score.

Figure 4: Summary of all traits to show an Overall Suitability score
Figure 4: Summary of all traits to show an Overall Suitability score

It is this unique combination of the ranked and weighted traits chosen as Essential, Desirable and Traits-to-Avoid that provided an Overall Suitability score.

Since developing this instrument based on our Project Manager template, it has been validated twice, both by large telecommunications companies in SE Asia. One of these is an equipment manufacturer and systems installation contractor and the other is a major telecommunications services provider. Unfortunately, because of Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA's) we are not able to disclose the specific results, but we are pleased to report that the preliminary evidence supports the validity of our research.

An appeal for research support

Thus having already validated our initial study and what we are hoping for next is a company that is willing to work with us to extend this validation. The objective would be to expand the data base by selecting a larger sample group, including "average" project managers as well as clearly "successful" project managers. We would then further adjust this PM template, as required, to show by the Suitability score the behavioral traits and their weightings thereby differentiating successful, average or poor performing project managers.

By adjusting and validating the PM template to the actual performance of the company's project managers we would be able create the highest possibility of success in hiring future project managers based on their own success history.

If there are any questions or anyone would like to learn more, or to test themselves or their team against our Research Template, email Paul Giammalvo at or John Suermondt, at for individual or corporate rates.

Study Observations  Study Observations

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