This Guest paper was submitted for publication May 2020
It is copyright to Melissa Calvert © 2020
Published here July 2020

The Importance of Team Work | Best Strategies for Managing Projects  
Some Specific Gaps | Popular Methodologies | Conclusion

Best Strategies for Managing Projects

1. Accountability & Monitoring

When a proposal for a significant project undertaking is presented to an organization, the proposal must include the various activities and procedures that will be involved to ensure high standards for project implementation.[6] Once these policies and work ethics are established, the project manager then has the ability to use them as a yardstick to measure the performance of their team members. It also helps to monitor in a detailed and comprehensive manner, the team activities and sub-tasks that comprise the project. Thus accountability for actions, evaluation of process and results, and monitoring of operations all help to ensure that high-quality standards are maintained throughout the duration of work in progress.

Accountability also calls for the project manager to document daily feedback on the commitments and assigned duties, and any concerns or complaints, of the various team members. Such feedback and any such concerns should be properly registered and recorded for future references. Finally, once a week's, or a month's, work comes to a close, the project manager must raise these concerns in a team meeting so that improvements can be made and mistakes can be rectified.

Moreover, this aspect of a project manager's monitoring also deals with the fulfillment of the specific objectives that are essential to a project's ultimate success. To adequately administer the monitoring procedure, all activities involved need to have defined criteria that discriminate the "dos" from the "don'ts". These criteria should also mention the required standards of implementation as well as key performance indicators.

2. Strategy to Project Execution Gaps

The Gap between Project Strategy and Project Execution focuses on bridging any disparity between what is required strategy and your proposed plan to execute the project. Many companies have tried to answer this age-old question as to why their projections do not match their actual output. The answer lies in misalignment of resources, failing to perform timely analysis of their workflow, and ultimately figuring out causes when it is too late.[7]

The issue is how can you prevent such a situation and take corrective actions to stay clear of disparities. First and foremost, you need to plan strategically regarding all of your goals and objectives while delivering an implementation plan. Closing the execution gap is perhaps considered as the most frustrating of all challenges experienced by business and project leaders today.[8]

The Importance of Team Work  The Importance of Team Work

6. See
7. See
8. See
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