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Google Search Tips:Capitals are always treated as lower case. All separate words are treated as though they were connected by 'and'. To search for a whole phrase, enclose it in double quotation marks thus: "project manager". Google search includes word variations. To exclude a particular variation insert a '-' sign, thus: "project manager" -management. This will return only 'project manager' entries. If you want to list all the references to one of the "Areas of Project Management Application", try searching for EngCon, Admin, NewProd, NewTech. For "generic" coverage try "Universal" (See Issacon #1001 for an explanation.) If you want to list all the references to a particular subject, try using one of the labels from the charts on pages 3 and 5 of Issacon #1002. Home | Issacons | PM Glossary | Papers & Books | Max's Musings