The Importance of Reading Body Language:
and What It Means to Project Teams
In these days of projects galore, more or less involving virtual teams, we
often find ourselves working at separate computer stations, even in separate cubicles,
that may or may not be collocated. Under these circumstances, it is much easier
to send an Email or text message than it is to get up and go and talk to someone
face-to-face (F2F). But how effective and efficient is this situation? Or are
we losing something?
It has been suggested that, aside from a much faster resolution to some problem
by back and forth discussion, there is much more to an F2F meeting. That's because
a significant amount of information is conveyed in "messaging without words".
That is to say, in non-verbal communication or body language that inevitably accompanies
a personal spoken message, especially when conveying feelings or attitudes.
In fact, it has been suggested that:[1]
- 7% is conveyed by the words
- 38% by the vocal tones, and
- 55% by facial and body expression
So aside from the use of a few emoticons and intelligently written language
in an Email message, up to 90% of the real message may be lost. So the potential
for miss-communication is considerable, as most of us probably experience far
too frequently.
That is also a very good argument for collocation of the project team wherever
possible. But where that is simply not possible, we must recognize the hidden
challenge. However, where it is possible, then we had better know how to read
the signs of Body Language, both positive and negative so that the benefits are
not lost. Indeed, reading body language is an important skill, useful in every
day contacts in any case. It is also essential in F2F negotiating.
Here follows a typical list of non-verbal body gestures. But be warned, these
reflect North American gestures and do not necessarily correctly reflect gestures
from other ethnic cultures, especially in other countries.
Positive Body Language
Negative Body Language
Hand to chest
Open arms and hands
Touching gestures
Moving closer, one to another
Sitting on one leg (for female)
Steepling (fingers touching
like a church steeple)
Hands behind back, authority position
Back stiffened
Hands in coat pockets with thumbs out
Hands on lapels of coat
Rubbing palms
Jingling money openly
Crossed fingers
Moving closer
Cooperation, readiness, openness
Open hands
Hands on hips
Hands on mid-thigh while seated
Sitting on edge of chair
Moving closer
Sprinter's position
Hand-to-face gestures
Hand-to-face gestures
Head tilted
Stroking chin
Peering over glasses
Taking glasses off, and cleaning
Putting eye glass ear piece in mouth
Pipe smoker gestures
Getting up from table and walking around
Putting hand to bridge of nose
Pinching flesh
Chewing pen or pencil
Rubbing over thumb
Touching back of chair on entering room
Biting finger nails
Hands in pockets
Holding arm behind back
Gripping wrist
Locked ankles
Clenched hands
Drumming with fingers
Legs crossed, foot kicking
Head in palm of hands
Blank stare
Arms crossed on chest
Legs over chair arms while seated
Sitting in arm chair reversed
Crossing legs
Fist-like gestures
Pointing index finger
Karate chops
Fast eye blinking (I'm lying!)
Frustration, annoyance
Short breaths
Tchsk sound
Tightly clenched hands
Wringing hands
Fist-like gestures
Pointing index finger
Running hand through hair
Rubbing back of neck
Kicking at ground or an imaginary object
Clearing throat
Whew sound
Soft whistling
Picking or pinching flesh
Fidgeting in chair
Hands cover mouth while speaking
Not looking at the other person
Tugging at pants while seated
Jingling money or keys in pocket
Tugging at ear
Perspiring or wringing of hands
Not looking at you
Arms crossed
Moving away from you
Silhouette body towards you
Sideways glance
Feet/body pointing towards exit
Touching or rubbing nose
Rubbing eyes
Buttoning coat, drawing away
Territorial claim
Feet on desk
Feet on chair
Leaning against or touching an object
Placing an object in a desired space
Elevating oneself
Cigar smoking
Leaning back with hands behind head
Reading body language is a fascinating subject and a valuable skill.

1. According to Albert Mehrabian, in Psychology Today (1968)